Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday And

It was alright!
One day closer to the weekend and one that I am looking forward to. Well not that I don't look forward to every weekend but this one is a great football weekend:)

I am onto the first round of playoffs in one league and the second round in my money league:) Woohoooo!!!!

It was very nice out today. Warm, a bit windy, but overall nice:) We have set the next date to film Drinkbusters 1X6 which will be a Holiday/Winter drink episode!!!! It will be a lot of fun!!!!

I know I know, I don't even have 1X5 edited yet, I just don't have anyway to power up my camera to do the transfer to my hard drive from the tape. Soon my friends, soon:)

I finished up 24 season 5 last night. It probably was the best season so far. Very good and was lacking the constant perils that really didn't contribute much to the storyline that have plagued past seasons. This had a very strong season long arc which did keep you glued to the series!!!!
I couldn't do this season justice at all in a regular review so I just won't do it. If you see it you will be happy you did!

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