Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday Morning Roast

Last night before I went to bed I put a venison roast in the crock pot.

YUMMY!!!! It made for a very good breakfast and will serve to feed me all weekend with what is leftover will feed the dog quite well!!!!

I put the roast in the crock pot, chopped up enough potatoes to fill up the rest of the pot, added spices, and covered in beer. Use whatever regular beer you can find. Just not a light beer. I generally use Miller High Life or Genuine Draft. It is cheap and adds plenty of flavor to your meal.

This also works well for a beef roast if not a bit better since there is a bit more fat with beef than there is with venison. You just want to use the spices that you are comfortable with. If you want it spicy then go with a bit of chili pepper, if you don't want spicy then use a bit more salt and pepper or get a pack of mixed spices and use that.

If you want a simple to prepare meal that will feed you for a few days or several people that will be very happy with the results, there ya go!

1 comment:

walksntherain said...

I love roast and potatoes. yummy!