Friday, December 08, 2006

Home Today....Sigh....

I wasn't trying to have a four day weekend but it is going to turn out that way.

I am trying to save my leave up because during the Christmas break we have a unique situation nearly every year where if we take three days of leave we get a full ten days off. It is a great time of year and nearly everyone takes advantage of this.

I have plenty of leave for this but I'd still like to acquire more right now....well for cases like today. I went out to start my vehicle, which as my steady readers know is a diesel, and it barely cranks over. The cold has finally drained the batteries. So I am home today and I'll be going to see a friend on Monday so I asked off for that day early this past week.

So here I am starting a four day weekend:) Last night Chris, Weezy, and I went to Callahan's for supper. It was a great time and we enjoyed each others company quite a bit as we sat and ate. I only had iced tea and Chris really doesn't drink. Weezy had two Irish Coffees which she allowed me to sample. It was very good for a very cold night!!!!

I have to say that I do have a coffee maker but I really haven't used it in many many years as I usually picked up a cup on the way to work. So I just had no use for it but after drinking Weezy's coffee I might change my mind. I have the ingredients to make nearly any drink since I have a well stocked bar for Drinkbusters. I rarely tap into that bar except for the very wintery days and I fixed the Bailey's and Hot Chocolate drink a few times:)

I ran the idea past the Drinkbuster's team to have a Holiday Themed episode and everyone loved the idea! So now Chianti, Beersnob, Weezy, and myself are looking for holiday drinks! I don't know if Irish Coffee qualifies but we'll see, it is pretty tasty!

I'm just not a big drinker anymore, I probably just have to accept that fact.

Well now as my battery charges my two batteries in my vehicle I am here at home and will be researching Holiday drinks!
What a life huh?!?!

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