Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Long Day

Went to my grandmother's 80th b-day party today.

We left around 10 am in two vehicles. It was a card party where everyone brought cards and shared memories. I saw some people that I haven't seen in a few years, specifically my cousins. It was great visiting with them for a while!

So after the party wound down and my brother and his family left for home we cleaned up a bit and headed home ourselves.

About an hour into the journey my brother calls and tells us that he has hit a deer and he is about a half hour ahead of us. They had called the insurance company and they needed a police report. So we waited for the highway patrol to show up to write the report. He showed up and took down the information and wished us well.

The van was drivable but not really over 50 or so and it was missing a headlight now. So we take the lead and start home again at a snail's pace of 50 miles per hour.

So now home and safe I can say that I'm pretty tired but it was a pretty nice day!

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