Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I've finally been able to watch 300!!!!

What an incredible movie it is too! It takes the style of filmmaking in Sin City and expands upon it. Mostly green screen, lots of animated environments, and lots of action! This is a testosterone filled romp in the vein of Gladiator or Kingdom of Heaven.

More drama than historical but a fun ride despite the inaccuracies. The visuals are stunning! Someday I can't wait to see it on a HD system but only after one format wins, either Blu Ray or HD DVD.

One or the other will win and become dominate and then I jump on to the train.

That is beside the point though, the real point is this is an incredible movie and should be watched repeatedly. Again as per many of my reviews, I leave a lot out so you, my friends, can experience it fresh for yourselves:)

It has a substantial amount of blood but it is animated blood, like a dark Pixar movie. I remember claims while it was running in theaters that it was a right wing propaganda movie, well if right wing means brave men fighting for honor, freedom, and against slavery and tyranny against impossible odds then I agree otherwise it was just reviewers who didn't like it.

The scotch experiment is getting much easier. I purchased a bottle of The Glenlivet 12 year old after work and enjoyed that more than the blended Johnnie Walker Black Label. It just tastes different than a blended scotch. Well it should since it is a single malt.

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