Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I Saw This Woman

On TV a few days ago and did some research into her.
She is simply amazing.

What she does is hug people. She goes on tours and hugs people. She happens to believe, as do I, that most of the problems in the world can be solved by compassion.

I don't think hugging terrorists would really change their minds much about hating us but for reasonable people who aren't barbarians, yes.

She raises millions of dollars for diasters, thousands wait in line for her to hug them and give them encouragement. She is an incredible person. I'm not Hindu but I'd go see her.

Now for something a little less spiritual and a little more sinful. Tonight I plan on starting a new project. I have some incredible friends as I've written many times and at least two of them have a taste for scotch. I've tried it and didn't really see what it was about.

I understand that it takes a bit of time to develop a taste and start to understand the flavors that go into scotch so during the month of August I'm making a conscious effort to develop a taste for scotch whiskey. Tonight will be the first entry into the experiment.

I hope it goes better than my watching MTV for a whole day experiment that I blogged about a long time ago. I'm sure it is in the archives and a quick search would bring it up.

Wow that was a tough one.

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