Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pretty Cool Evening!!!!

Well until we filmed Drinkbusters. It wasn't good, we had the worst drinks ever and the energy was scattered and flat. Everyone wasn't feeling it so I probably won't even edit and post it. I know they wouldn't appreciate it and I like keeping them as my friends.

It was wonderful to see Weezy and have some time to talk with her! She looked great and had a great time at the party. It was a pretty typical, very wild party.

I had a bad tire. It was going bad over the past week and finally gave out before I drove home last night, so this morning I was up early putting on the spare and buying two new front tires. I ran out to Lowe's after that and purchased some templates for the spray painting.

Well templates isn't entirely accurate but they are in a general sense. They are the clay discs that potted plants sit in. I got several sizes for covering planets up. They are heavy enough where the spray won't move them and thin enough to leave a sharp edge on the outside. I also got a long straight edge for water lines and horizons. My painting tools are pretty much complete now!

I just need to get out there and practice.

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