Tuesday, July 31, 2007

John Cougar's America Part 2

For those of you who read my first post last Monday about John Cougar I was unaware of the stupid comments he made. I'm sure they are on You Tube so I won't repeat them here. If you missed my post, just go on back to last Monday to see what it was about.

I wasn't referring to his politics only his song lyrics and how I see them. Fact of the matter he is an American and has the right to be an idiot if he wants to be. He can say the most outlandish, moronic things because he has the constitutional right to do so.

He likely has no foreign political skills, no diplomacy skills, no knowledge of how to govern, and used to write good songs. Now he just isn't what he used to be when it comes to selling albums. No big surprise there.

He has to stand against what is seemingly unpopular in the most outlandish fashion to separate himself from the pack of elite leftists. Keep in mind that 98% of all the hollering about Iraq is by the party that is out of the white house so therefore EVERYTHING that is done by the white house is bad and has to be whined about so they can regain power.

This is the best economy in the history of the country and yet there is a candidate who wants to kill it by raising capital gains and corporate income tax. Sound good? Want to know what would happen to your 401K or your pension plan if that happened? It would be close to worthless as it would be taxed to death.

Robin Hood just doesn't exist in this day and age. Who makes up corporations? PEOPLE like you and I who work for them to provide a service to others. A corporation can't exist without us and yet somehow the word corporate or corporation is bad....well that is a perception anyway and I happen to not agree with it.

My company does good my retirement package gets better, if the country does good and the economy does good my pension plan gets better.

People like John Cougar don't understand fundamental basics of why we are all Americans and we should all want the same thing for our own benefit. I'm not saying you can't disagree, not by any means. Protest, pitch a fit, throw a temper tantrum, it is all your right to do but don't be an idiot, research your position and know what you are talking about first.

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