Wednesday, July 18, 2007


My wonderful friend and fellow Drinkbuster Chianti came over to have a drink after work and of course we chatted Michael Vick.

Neither of us got it. We couldn't wrap our heads around the brutal nature of these people. Not the concept of the fighting dogs, not the execution of the losing dogs in sadistic ways, not the gambling aspect, none of it.

She had no answers. I had no answers.

It is honestly beyond my understanding. This is cruel, inhumane, and the element that counts this activity among their hobbies are among the lowest of the low. I'm not talking about animals that are raised for food, I'm talking domesticated animals. Animals that you see every day that love you and you love.

Anyone who knows me knows I wanted to be a boxer as a late teen. It appealed to me but it is a violent sport. You are alone in the ring versus another human being. There is an aspect of it that leaves no room for excuses, it is honest. You have worked hard to be there and are in great shape in order to be there. You want to be there and have made that choice. You made a whole string of choices to be into that position.

The dogs have no choice in the matter. They are helpless. They deserve to be protected.
Children are helpless and need to be protected. What real man would allow a child to be abused and not protect them with every drop of your blood? A small helpless child or a helpless animal.

My days of wanting to be a boxer are long over but if you hurt a child, an animal, a woman, one of my friends, one of my family around me and my usual calm and unflappable exterior will quickly turn into swift and violent action. I'm average sized but properly motivated I can be a mean and brutal individual. I hope I'm never in the position to be that person.

People of Michael Vick's ilk are degenerates. If you have any connection to dog fighting you deserve every single bad thing that happens to you and more. You deserve to have your life burned down around you. You deserve to be treated as you treated the dogs. You deserve to fight another dog fighter and if you lose you deserve to be executed.

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