Friday, July 06, 2007

Cover Of Life Shirts!!!!

There are now Cover of Life shirts on sale here!
And here is one designed with the cast and crew names on the back that is a little cheaper and has free shipping.

Cover of Life is the production I was involved in as stage manager and it so happens that I was in the main picture that promoted the show as well. If you look close you can see me on the left in the picture that the girls are holding. Catina played Sybil who was my wife and also on the left, I drove her to suicide....go figure....but it wasn't MY fault, I wasn't even in the play just the story!

Anyway it is cool that they made a shirt for the show, it was a great show.

This is the only show that got a T made for it for the season. Well there are also other things you can get such as mugs, mousepads, etc.

I could be a day off but the newspaper report came out on the 8th of July but I believe today is the 60th anniversary of the crash at Roswell which pretty much launched the conspiracy theorist, UFO, and most unexplained phenomena cultures.

What really happened? I don't know. There are lots of people who swear they saw something including Public Relations Officer Walter Haut.

He was the man who issued the famous "Flying Disc Captured" news story and then was ordered to issue the infamous weather balloon statement afterwards. He died in December 05 and left a affidavit to be opened some time after his death. It was opened and read a couple of weeks ago and it verified that everything he originally issued was the truth. He swore that he would never tell the truth while he was alive and he never benefited from his knowledge while he could have written several books, appearances, and the like.

He would have been a high profile (in Roswell UFO circles) figure and could have been a minor celebrity. He swore he wouldn't and he didn't but he left his sworn statement.

Now I know that no amount of disclosure information from the military or the government would ever be enough for most UFOnicks. Nothing short of saying they are here and operate every single McDonald's franchise and even then there would be some controversy that would spawn another theory.

So it doesn't surprise me at all that if nothing crashed, nothing happened and the military and government was 100% truthful about it that no one would believe it. So will we ever get the full truth? I guess it just depends on what you want to believe.

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