Sunday, July 22, 2007

Camera Changing Day!

So there I am, just relaxing all day long until about 2:30 when Beersnob calls me and asks me if I have an old camera to replace the ancient camera at the theater. So I round up everything except the important cable that goes from the charger to the camera to run it on DC.

We drive over to Radio Shack and see if they have any kind of cable. They don't.
Se we walk to Rex's to see if they might have a cable and check prices on a new camera that would work. They don't and $179.00.
We go by K-Mart to see if they have a camera, they don't.

We decide to head back to the theater and put the ancient camera back up. We get there and get the camera hooked back up only to find that it wasn't working now. We mess with it for at least an hour and a half trying everything to get it going again to no avail.

So now we really have a problem since the production was going on in about three hours and there would be no monitors in the green room or the dressing rooms. The actors would have a tougher time with their on stage cues. They are just very handy to have and now they wouldn't have them.

I take his car and come back to my house to see if I can find the cable. I find every single cable I have ever lost but that one. So I head back to the theater and give the bad news. We decide to head back to Rex's and get the cheap camera and just have the theater reimburse Beersnob for the camera and cables that have to be purchased.

We get back to the theater with camera and cables, hook it all up in just a few minutes and amazingly it works the first time! The monitors look great! Everyone is happy with the much improved quality of the picture and we had a project to fix for the day!

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