Sunday, July 08, 2007

Live Earth Bust

The hypocritical Algore crowd was at it again yesterday, burning up thousands of gallons of fuel, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles in private jets, powering thousands of lights and amplifiers, and telling YOU how to live your life while not following their own advice.

So why does a rock star (and washed up hypocrite politician) have more knowledge about climate change and have more insight into a problem that IMHO is just a normal cycle of weather patterns than you do?


Have you ever noticed that those who champion socialist programs are only championing that YOU LIVE UNDER those socialist programs while they live they way they choose. That is called elitism. Remember it. Congress if full of elitists.

Keep in mind every single time you hear about you reducing your carbon footprint that means that they get to keep their private jets, massive mansions which cost as much as four houses to heat and cool, and lifestyle of doing as they please because they justify those things by "saving the earth" and working hard for them.

Well I work hard for what I have as well and they have no right to tell me how I should live. I'm all for being able to better yourself and living the way you choose. Keeping what you earn free from an oppressive tax system which favors lobbyists and for a fair tax that makes paying taxes simple and doesn't penalize success.

Name me one socialist dictator who lives in a normal house as a common man. Do you think Fidel Castro got the same health care that his citizens get? NO! Because it wasn't good enough, he brought in a surgeon from Spain when he was at death's door because he can afford it while keeping his population in poverty!!!!

Educate yourself on the issues my friends and always keep in mind that if it is some kind of centralized socialist program that the people advocating it are getting something better for themselves.

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