Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I was listening to my ipod yesterday at work when I came across an old file I hadn't heard since I was a young'n. Yeah I got it a few years back and didn't really listen to it I guess but it was there so I selected it and listened to it.

Then I was struck by something akin to lightning....inspiration. Now for those of you who know me know that I get ideas all the time, some good, some bad, some stupid but this one really seems good.

Well at the time they all SEEM good but upon further review they might not be as good as first thought.

Anyway this audio file seemed like it would make a good STAGE PRODUCTION....yeah coming from the film guy.

Inspired? Yeah, I was so inspired as soon as I made it home I started writing it, well typing it and got thirteen pages finished. My TV never came on last night. I am going to pick up a notebook where I get coffee this morning and write more at work. I have the audio file on my ipod so I have been listening to it while I write to make sure I get it right.

I'll transcribe what I write today and soon have a good first draft to rewrite. I know how most of it would translate to the stage, that was the inspired part. It just came to me in a flash. It would look impressive and yet not be that difficult to a set builder with some minimal skills.

I know I shouldn't be talking about something like this at such an early stage but this idea might be a good "good" idea. Not like have the times on the paper route when some of those good ideas really weren't "good" ideas....I know at least one of you out there knows exactly what I'm talking about and can probably still remember several of the good ideas that really weren't so good.

I would have done some painting last night but it was too hot for it. It has to be around 70-80 degrees to give yourself enough time to manipulate the paint on the poster board. Over 90 and it dries way too fast UNLESS you are very good and I'm just not yet.

I'm testing to see what works for me and it takes longer that way. I have bought more poster board though and I'm confidant that soon I'll be making some ten minute paintings with ease. I have the skies down, they are easy, what isn't as easy is the finishing part. It is hard to tell where to stop and what makes a good painting a bad one.

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