Saturday, July 28, 2007

Great Evening!

Well after I got home yesterday after work I decided to put Zodiac in as I had purchased it earlier in the week but didn't have the chance to watch it since I was at the pub the following two nights.

So I got the movie out of the sack and noticed it was the full screen version and not the wide screen version that I always get. So I fixed some supper and planned on taking the movie back to exchange it. It was Friday night after all and I really didn't have any plans.

I took the movie back, exchanged it for the proper version got back to an email from a friend who would like to collaborate on a short film before filming on the fanfilm begins. We have a little extra time to do so. I reply and then put the movie in.

Zodiac is a pretty good movie, David Fincher directed it who did Seven, Fight Club, Panic Room. He is known for very stylish movies. This one was that and a bit more. It made me want to visit a Zodiac site to see how close the movie was compared to the actual investigation.

Then I check my My Space site to see that Beersnob had messaged me and said that the musical cast was having a cast party in the lobby and to come down after the performance! So around 10 I figured the show was nearly over so I went down to the theater to find that it wasn't and so I decided to walk over to the pub.

It was way too crowded to hang out and have a quiet drink so I walked across the street and an alley to another fine establishment to find it was the atmosphere I was in the mood for. I order my traditional drink and just settle in a bit and in walks Chianti!!!! We have a nice chat and Nick the boy intern gets off work and hangs out with us a while too.

I look out at the theater and see people leaving so I tab out say my good nights and head back over to the theater to the lobby. Everyone comes up and hugs me! I have a great time just visiting until around midnight when the party starts to break up.

All in all a brilliant evening that was totally unplanned:):) I was so happy to have it!!!!

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