Monday, July 02, 2007

Not Your Average White Chick Chained Up By A Black Guy Movie

Black Snake Moan is quite a movie. The premise is simple, a young town slut goes to a party after her boyfriend goes off to the National Guard, gets very wasted on booze and pills, has sex a couple of times, is beaten up, and finally dumped across the street of Lazarus's house. A bluesman who just had his wife of over twenty years leave him after having an affair with his brother.

Well he heals her and since she has a fever and is pretty sick she wonders around his yard only to have Laz track her down, so he does what every normal person would do, chains her up.

This is really a touching movie.
It is about broken people.
It is about love.
It is about how people can be redeemed.
How people heal each other.
How there is good in people despite appearances.

There is a very powerful scene where there is a storm rolling in, Laz breaks out his electric guitar for the first time in years and starts to play for Rae. I couldn't get the volume high enough for this scene. Very cool!

Christina Ricci is very hot now. She really developed and has become a very good actor. Samuel L. Jackson is always stellar and shines in this role. Watch it, you'll like it!

Charm School ended last night as well. Saaphyri won. She gave the most touching speech at the end and sounded like she could use the money the most to buy a house. This one really didn't have any of the drama of the past shows since all of the main troublemakers have been expelled in shows past. It was still good for a show I hate though.

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