Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Children Of Men, Hot Fuzz, AND I Finished The Rough Cut!

It was a busy evening for me!
I had some more footage to capture for the documentary and while I was doing that I watched Hot Fuzz, from the makers of Shaun of the Dead.

It was pretty funny! I wished I had watched it sooner. My impressions are that it is enjoyable while it spoofs the buddy cop genre movie. There are some graphic moments but for the most part they are kind of cartoonish.

Children of Men was a bit more somber. Earth's population of humans is ending as their hasn't been a baby born in 18 years. It is a somber and depressing movie that has some action elements in it. I really didn't care about the politics of that time much and that was largely the context. It was an OK movie but just didn't fit my mood at the time.

Now the big news! I have the rough cut finished for Catina's documentary! It clocks in at ninety four minutes! That is a very good running time and I haven't added credits yet! Those will only add about one to two minutes tops so this should be very close to the final running time. I now just have to have Catina watch it and make suggestions on any changes.

All in all a very busy and productive evening! I'm happy!

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