Saturday, September 01, 2007


I purchased a bottle of 16 year old Lagavulin the other day. I have to say that this is a Islay scotch which means it is very smoky and peaty.

I have to say that after the first drink wasn't all that good. I had about 10% scotch the rest in water and ice. It was very very smoky. I mean it was like you took a whisky drink and put liquid smoke in it!

The second drink was much better actually, it had about 40% scotch and the rest in water and ice. There was so much more flavor that I was missing. There was a sweetness to it and it tasted more like a cookout. I sat there thinking that this would be great with friends around a campfire!

I also ordered two whisky glasses yesterday! I blogged about these glasses before, they were the ones used in Blade Runner. Well not the exact same glasses but the brand! They should be in this coming week!

I can't wait! It will be so great to have two quality glasses to drink from! Especially since late this year the Ultimate Blade Runner DVD set is coming out! You can bet where I'll be with glass in hand!

I really feel that my scotch experiment has been a success. I am able to distinguish flavors now and I really enjoy the differences! There is a huge difference between blends and single malts. Blends miss out on a lot of flavor. It is hard to explain but if you did the Pepsi Challenge with a blend and a single malt I am sure that you would prefer a single malt 9 out of 10 times!

Oh, I am off this coming week and I started my vacation yesterday! AH-HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

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