Monday, September 01, 2008

Day Four

Of my four day weekend and today I plan on resting. I went to Chianti's last night again and helped her cook supper. It was really good! We did a great job!

Everyone who ate it also really enjoyed it so I know it wasn't just she and I who thought it was good!

Hurricane Gustav is starting to come on shore right now, targeting New Orleans even though it is a massive storm. It has apparently dropped to a category two hurricane but with the sheer size of it there will be lots of flooding. Its so big we might even get some of the remnants of this storm where I live.

Everyone followed the evacuation order this time on the coast.

College football closes its first week tonight when Tennessee plays. It was a pretty good first week and signals the start of the football season proper. This Thursday night the NFL kicks off and that is what is going to be exciting!!!!

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