Friday, September 19, 2008

Name Change

Those long time readers will notice a change in the title.

I'm not in a lamenting frame of mind anymore. I'm a filmmaker at heart but projects have been few and far between right now with the latest fanfilm project being put on at least a six month hold.

I've thought about a name change for a while now and I think Story captures what I want to tell right now instead of Laments. A lament is sad, in truth I was sad when I started this blog. I had a lot going on and needed an outlet to express things even though I never came out and said them.

While I was lamenting my state of affairs at the time, they ended long ago, since then I've come to own them. I've come to a place of peace and limited understanding of where I am now but not so much of where I'm going....yet. The future is bright though and you who know me personally will know my fondness for shiny things!

I still feel that I'm at my best with a project to work on and lots of projects have come and gone since I've started the hobby. A few have actually come to fruition but most have fallen by the way side for whatever reason.

My current project is small, just putting together some clips for the next theatre project. However small it may be it is still important to me and hopefully it will help amplify the story being told on the stage which is Twelve Angry Jurors.

What I do for a living is still something I'm pretty good at but when I feel that I'm great is when I've got a story to tell visually. I'm excellent at planning a shot, shooting a shot, being efficient at it, keeping people comfortable on set, and putting my own spin on things, editing clips together, and telling a story.

By no means am I an expert but in my little world I'm pretty decent at it. I don't know how long this story will be told but I'm happy to have you along gentle reader.

A Filmmaker's Laments is dead, long live A Filmmaker's Story!

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