Saturday, November 29, 2008

Epic Fail

My dislike for Rosie O'Donnell is epic. She is someone who I cannot stand. She is mean spirited, boisterous, thin skinned, abrasive, divisive, hypocritical, and out and out mean. With apologies for my friends who do like her and enjoy her, I cannot share your opinion.

Much to my delight she is also a failure on network TV now. Several scathing reviews are up on her ill fated variety show attempt this past Thanksgiving Eve.

This was about as predictable as Valkyrie being the next Tom Cruise box office flop....and it will be. It is an bad idea with an actor who is out of favor with the movie going public. Everyone knows Hitler lives after the bomb attempt on his life so who exactly wants to see a movie based on a failed attempt?

That doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out. Tom Cruise in an eye patch, a failed conspiracy against one of the most evil men in history, a few B list actors...what's not to like?

Rosie is someone who people have an opinion on, there is no gray area with her. You love her or dislike her. She is similar to Hillary Clinton in that regard. No one is luke warm on Rosie. No one is luke warm on Tom Cruise, you either love him or think he is a nut job cult member.

I don't think Rosie is a nut job cult member so that is a small point in her least she isn't Tom Cruise.

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