Tuesday, November 04, 2008

President Elect Carte....er....Obama

The next two years will be very telling for the political future of America. I've got a built in allergy towards monarchies and socialists. I'm starting to get itchy all over.

The silver lining is that conservatives will barely prevent unfettered Senate control by Reid. The House though will be driven further left by Pelosi and I fear that both houses will either pull Obama with them or worse yet be lead further left by Obama.

The product of the Chicago political machine will now have to stand and deliver on his promises. The racist peddlers such as Sharpton and Jackson are now officially out of business. The race card is as impotent as Jose Canseco.

Obama has a delicate balancing act as he courted the far loony left, is comfortable in the company of terrorists such as Bill Ayers, and racist radicals like Reverend Wright but he still has to govern and that means learning a LOT of things you didn't know before you had the big chair. That means many of his positions will not please the loonies.

Conservatives will now be driven underground to regroup while a handful in the Senate stand in the way of liberal domination waiting for the cavalry to arrive in 2010.

So it is time to define what conservatism means now. It is time to stop fighting each other and stop compromising with the left. It is time to come up with a game plan that in two years will be used to defeat the left in both houses. It is time to find another Reagan and give him both houses to govern.

Tonight the shining city on the hill has taken a dramatic turn to the left. I pray that we are not attacked as Joe Biden has predicted because I fear we will not retaliate as Clinton didn't retaliate (well outside of a few cruise missiles) when our embassies were bombed and as the Cole was bombed.

As Ayatollah Khomeini held our hostages for the worst Presidential administration in modern history I fear that we are again ignorant of those lessons under Carter and must now repeat them in a bizarro summer school under the watchful big brotherish eye of Barack Obama.

This is what is expect of Obama as President. The land of not having to pay for gas and mortages.

Reality will be much different.

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