Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Holy Election Day Batman!

Let's hope that today we don't take a step further down the income redistribution path that could set our country back at least six to ten years. Let's hope that today we take a step towards curtailing the size and scope of our massive pig of a government.

Let's hope that today the educated vote and those who are just sitting around all day with a bong in one hand and a twinkie in the other forget to vote. Honestly if you don't have a income tax liability I really don't care what your opinion is, you are likely voting to keep getting something for nothing off of the backs who work for what they earn.

Let's hope that tonight we know the results of the election and not a month from now.

Let's hope that it is a fair election in which no one can find fault in the process.

America is stronger than the dangerous policies of Obama and he won't be able to destroy the country in two years. If his first two are a Jimmy Carter style of failure more than likely conservatives will sweep into office with the midterm elections and lame duck Obama. His damage will be limited to two years and from that we can easily recover from.

I feel I have a total entitlement to what I earn but I don't want a penny from what you earn, you work hard for what you earn and deserve to keep it and distribute it as you please. The government has no moral right to take your income and give it to those it deems as deserving.

You will still have to pay your mortgage, put gas in your vehicle, and keep your lights on no matter who wins. It is just a matter of how much money will be left out of your paycheck to do that.

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