Saturday, November 01, 2008

A Good Halloween Night!

It was a lot of fun, I didn't make the second Halloween party I was going to attend but I did make the first one after the show.

There were some tense moments last night as a political discussion broke out but was brought under control by a change of topic at the party. A couple of CPAs were explaining what higher taxes mean and how they effect everyone because corporations will cut jobs, benefits, or pass the taxes onto consumers meaning the cost of living will go up. A handful of Obama supporters were explaining how 95% of people making 200,000 (this is a falling number by the way, it started at 250K, now is at 200K, Biden said 150K, and yesterday Bill Richardson said 125K I believe) or less per year were promised a tax cut.

The argument was brief but intense. The Obama side was grounded in their promises while the CPAs were grounded in reality and history.

Personally I want everyone to be wealthy and no one to be taxed at a higher rate. I want the standard of living to be raised for everyone and not the wealthy to be punished with a higher tax rate because of success. I want everyone to have the opportunity to be just as successful but I know realistically the results won't be the same for everyone. The opportunity should be the same for everyone though.

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