Sunday, November 09, 2008

Week 10

Well it began on Thursday with me getting ten points from Matt Prater and will end today with me getting another eighty points from the rest of me team!!!! Yeah that's what I want to happen!

I want career days from every player! We'll see how it turns out though. I'll be missing large parts of the games as I am going to a lighting work shop at the theatre today. As I've blogged about before I'm working lights on the next two shows and they have a new lighting system. I'm going to go learn the ins and outs of it today.

It should be over with my four and I'll return home to a massive explosion of points in my favor;) I'm meeting my friend Nathan and his girlfriend at Buffalo Wild Wings for some lunch at noon and to watch the kickoffs.

I have to fit laundry in today and football watching time as well. Going to be a busy day!

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