Friday, October 30, 2009

Seventeen Hundred Posts

Yeah, that's a lot of posts about pretty much about everything and nothing.

Got off work last night, The Date had supper fixed when I got home (very cool) she went to class and I headed off to have drinks with Chianti. Had a great time for a couple of hours, Witchy showed up and then The Date after class let out early:)

So we all got to sit around for a while in my favorite watering hole and relax as we talked. It would make for a great Mastercard commercial tagline, Priceless.

I've got the most amazing friends/family ever. I know I've blogged this before but my friends really are family. You all know who you are too, if I've hung out with you then you are included, you are my family.

I DVR'd The League, I hope I'm able to watch it tonight. I'm really looking forward to a show all about the funny side of fantasy football! I know it'll be reviewed on Two Guys, A Girl, and a TV Set so you can check that out but be aware they are probably spoilers. I know Mr. Feeny does an outstanding job of reviewing shows and I look forward to reading it after I've seen the show:)

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