Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Left The Fridge Door Open?

It's cold all of a sudden! It's in the low forties right now!!!
I took off today as my leave was about to breach one hundred hours:) Don't want it getting too close to the magic mark. Had a good time last night with The Date and Jdub at Bdubs playing some brutally hard trivia.

When The Date and I showed up we played some even harder trivia based on the periodic table, if you think you could do it I'd say I doubt it. It was things like who discovered element 79 and things like that. I'm just going to go on record right now and say that the periodic table does not a good trivia game make.

After that was a long game called Six. It was more trivial pursuit based as there were categories. The questions progressively got harder as the game went on. I wound up fourth overall and won one block of questions out of four. Jdub did very well and landed very high despite missing out on the first block all together and having a bad playmaker to start. The Date also finished in the top ten again with playmaker problems as the battery went dead.

It was a fun evening for sure:)

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