Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wonderful Friday!

Beersnob and Teehee came over and had a cigar with me last night. Wonderful conversation for well over an hour as our Churchill sized cigars relaxed us on a crisp evening. Our coffee warmed us up and everything was peaceful and calm.

We talked past, present, future, goals, and dreams. That's one thing cigars can bring out in a conversation is plenty of honesty and frank talk. If more Washington politicians would talk things over like the three of us are able to then our country would probably be on a better path than it is right now.

But of course cigar smoking is surely banned in congress, forever dooming them to a life less lived than what Beersnob, Teehee, and I are capable of...go figure:)

Turns out Beersnob and wife were married on the exact same day five years ago, November 6th. The Date has been very excited and the family (I'm not using the term friends anymore when referring to my circle of friends) has shot down the next nickname for her after The Date. I was thinking Ball and Chain and got a menacing look and a No. I've shot down her suggestions such as Light of my Life, Reason for Living, etc.

The Date might just very well stick if I can't come up with something else. Everyone knows who I'm referring to by now anyway.

I watched The League after work yesterday. Great show! More adult than I was expecting but incredibly timely! No one has delved into the comedy that is fantasy football! How many posts have I dedicated to my prime diversion? Many! It's about time a production company catered to me!

This is a brilliantly low brow show, the writing is good, the comedy made me laugh out loud, the characters have lots of room to grow into themselves! I LOVE this show!

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