Sunday, November 01, 2009

Great Day!

Halloween was a mish mash of family, good times, and heartbreak. First of all (with apologies to Skate, I'm going to borrow B12 as the new nickname for Director 1) the party was a rousing success! Pretty much most of my local family was there except Beersnob and wife.

I always enjoy hanging out with B12 and he always delivers a first class shindig! Baker, Skate, Teehee, and Jassie were easily the best costumes as they were the (in order) The Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Dorthy! A lot of time and work went into their reproduction of the costumes and everyone enjoyed them and their effort!

The Date had to work up until closing at her job and showed up after, she was warmly greeted by all party goers and showered with congratulations galore! A wonderful time, it really was very memorable!

I've got to give major props and respect as filmmaker buddy Chris experienced the heartbreak of a lifetime. His premiere didn't go as planned or hoped and what would have caused a major meltdown to a lesser soul he refused to be defeated that easily and proceeded as planned. Food was still to be eaten, people were still on their way, and door prizes were still to be given away and he did it without an external tear. I know he had to have been torn up inside, I know him pretty well and internally he was crushed and felt horrible.

He picked it all up, put on a happy face, and did the best professional job he could in the situation he was put in that was none of his fault. If I could have switched places with him to spare him that kind of pain I would have in a heartbeat as I would with any of my family that was suffering. I felt so bad for him as did his entire audience. I know he will recover though!

My fantasy football teams are tanking. This season is just not a good season for me in two different leagues. I'm just middle of the pack in one league and aiming for a really good draft pick next season in the keeper league. It happens, all owners have gone through it, and I'll get them next season!

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