Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Captains Courageous And His Rascals

The Date was less than 100% last night so I made her stay on the couch and I put in the Spencer Tracy classic, Captains Courageous featuring Freddie Bartholomew. The Date and Thing 2 were glued to the screen with rapt attention.

Zip played on the floor, Scrat was trying to make up his mind to be a lap kitty or not, turns out not, Rocket found his way to my lap. All in all it was a great movie watching experience:)

Next up was a disc from my Little Rascals collection! Hal Roach really had a good thing going! Yeah they are a little crude (and un-PC) by today's standards but they were fun and millions of children grew up watching and loving them.

I was looking for a specific episode but couldn't remember the title so I'll have to do some episode reading tonight to find the right title. Spanky and Alfalfa were private eyes and they get locked in a fun house. Scary for a kid but it watches as intended for an adult!

Yeah it was a good evening:)

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