Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Got A Lot To Do!

The turkey is thawing, has been since Monday. It'll have to be prepared tonight for the oven tomorrow! Woohoooo! Can't wait!

Then tomorrow I've got to bake a ham (Cure 81 spiral cut ham! AWESOMENESS!!!) and get over to Beersnob's for supper! I'll be super stuffed when this is all over with and we'll have left overs for days!

Going to try and watch the parade in the morning, Macy's parade. I love the balloons and the little handlers who always look like they are having a tough time holding the bigger ones down. Wonder what those people get paid, maybe nothing but what seems odd is they always have people who are fairly thin and young holding them down instead of bigger people who could do a much better job at it. Seriously they usually look as if they were plucked right out of high school!

I'd much rather have a handful of sumo wrestlers in full sumo garb roaming the streets at parade time holding Snoopy and his doghouse at street level and keeping it from escaping into the flight path of all of New York instead of some teens who have no work ethic yet.

Last night I made my first rehearsal to the Christmas show at the Theatre. A Christmas Carol. The normal lighting designer has his hands full this year and asked if I'd design the light plot. I eagerly said yeppers and we sat in the audience to go over how to light it and where to put the cues.

This will be a great show!

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