Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Mistake

After all of the running around yesterday I did and errands that were erranded I forgot to get coffee! The Date has to have coffee in the morning, it's safer for everyone involved.

Right now she is sound asleep but I know it won't be long before she is awake. So I'm going to put on my hooded coat and head down to the store and get a bag of coffee for her first thing this morning after posting this.

The smoker at my dad's place will not work. It was older than I thought and had rusted through in several places. I'm stuck with an oven and baking the turkey and then later on the ham for Beersnob's Thanksgiving with football:)

I had my second film festival meeting last night. I've got to say I'm thrilled at the progress being made thus far. This town can use a film festival! We plan on utilizing the Theatre as well and with any luck it might bring them some revenue!

Had an awesome lunch yesterday with Witchy, a great evening with Beersnob, Bunnicula, Skate, Invader, Witchy, and of course The Date (for whom I'm now headed out into the cold to get her coffee so she can have it when she wakes up in a very short while).

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