Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Half Way There

Witchy, The Date, and I were cleaning out the little theatre last night to get things prepared as best we could for Friday.

I took off yesterday afternoon to get the counseling done and thankfully the preacher fast tracked us. I was very grateful:) He seemed like a pleasant man, understanding and good.

This will go very smoothly, with all of the support from everyone it's been a very nice experience. I've dreaded the wedding ceremony since I was a child after attending (In my mind forced to attend and be part of an epically long drawn out and boring ceremony) the weddings of relatives.

It wasn't until I was much older that I didn't mind going to weddings. I still prefer a short ceremony though over the epic three hour variety. There is no way I could stand up there for that length of time and pretend to be happy about it. The preacher explained and gave me a rough time estimate of about twenty minutes. I can deal with that.

The guest list appears to be bigger than the room so there might be some people standing during the ceremony as well. It'll be packed for sure. We might have to put some people on stage to make room for everyone.

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