Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What If I Said

Disney and Pixar put out an expose on mortality, regret, living in the past, and unaccomplished dreams? Kind of deep subjects for a child to digest but they successfully did it while mixing in plenty of sadness. The more I watched it though the more I thought I was sort of watching It's A Wonderful Life. One of my favorite movies of all time.

Up is a movie I really had to have time to think about when it was over. There is so much sentimentality laced within so many scenes that Frank Capra could have been the inspiration behind it and easily directed it.

The foundation on which this movie is built, on which every topic I listed above stands is family and love. This was one really good movie if you can stand it tugging on your heartstrings every few scenes.

The DVD transfer was flawless, the audio track was booming and clear, the content was better for an adult than a child though. Yeah there was plenty of comic relief when things were emotional so this might be more along the lines of Old Yeller as far as life lessons go for a kid. It is an animation masterpiece though and the story is equal to the animation. Watch it.

Sons of Anarchy is starting to wind down for the season. Last night was a real turning point in the show and things are starting to be revealed that were once secret. The crimes committed early on in the season that Samcro was holding off on (and didn't know about) are now going to come to a head. Last night proves why this is the best drama on TV today. Outlaws doing outlaw things that no normal law abiding citizen would do but outlaws you get behind and support.

I see a fully satisfying conclusion in store in a few more shows!

Today is Veteran's Day. If you see a Veteran give them a thank you. They did a lot for you that you'll never know about.

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