Friday, November 27, 2009

What A Day

First off I took the turkey out of the brine in the morning, rinsed it, and gave it an olive oil massage. Next up was putting it into the oven at a blistering five hundred degrees for a half hour to brown it up. Then down to three fifty until the internal temperature of the white meat is just over one sixty.

It only takes about two hours to accomplish this instead of the low and slow method which generally robs the turkey of its juices and produces the dreaded dryness. Think about it, a large bird in a dry hot oven for hours? It's bound to dry out.

Remember your grandparents doing the constant basting thing? Unnecessary now and much faster to produce a better tasting bird:) Thank you Alton Brown! You do this and you are guaranteed to produce a turkey that can't be beat!

That was round one of yesterday which went very well. The parade was on, which I enjoyed until football came on of course. Then we ate, and ate, and ate:)

After that I pulled out the Cure 81 ham and put it into the oven to bake at three twenty five for about two hours. These are precooked hams so they are really simple to do. Then we loaded up and headed to Beersnob's house for round two!

Witchy, Chianti, Chianti's beau, and my clan and Beersnob's clan all enjoyed each other's fellowship as a turducken was devoured as well as many sides and the ham. An outstanding second round of food, fun, and frivolity was enjoyed on this very memorable day:)

Again I'm very thankful for all of my family, and my friend/family:) You all add to the quality of life that few enjoy as I do!

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