Friday, October 16, 2009


Made it! It's Friday after a particularly grueling week at work. I know The Date is frustrated with me at times because she will ask about my day at work and I really just say it was fine or some such nonsense. I know she is concerned and wants to know but I don't like talking about work.

I forget it exists until I have to clock in the next day. I'm appreciative of my job, the benefits, and the strike taught me how perilous I'd be without an income however I don't want to talk about it when I'm off the clock. I like a lot of the people but it is getting to where they make you jump through so many hoops just to accomplish the smallest thing.

Things have to be checked out of a secure location, signed out, inventoried, and put into a portable secure box for transfer just so you can go to where the job is, that is before you even do one shred of work. It is very demoralizing and it's ridiculous and lately a lot of it is because of Captain Queeg the inspector.

He is disgruntled. He came here a few months ago because he didn't get a transfer to a place he wanted to be. He feels personally slighted by life I guess and is taking it out on everyone, abusing his power because he is mad at the world. He has made every section slower and more inefficient because of his write ups.

Our supervisor, a former inspector, believes he is an idiot as Queeg's citations are dubious and have no merit. He writes things and then you are supposed to cite the source where you are in error, Queeg's sources are 90% wrong, they are either old and not valid, they apply to other sections and not the work section you are in, he is essentially making things up to prove he is right.

He is just one facet of my job though and the day to day stresses I forget about after I clock out. There is one good thing though, today is doughnut day! For a small donation each week you get doughnuts on Friday!

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