Friday, October 02, 2009

Stargate: Universe

I'm really looking forward to the premiere of SG:U tonight. It appears that RDA at least makes a small appearance in the premiere. Maybe Teal'c will be on there too. I'd love to see all of SG:1 but I doubt if that'll happen for some reason.

Lou Diamond Phillips stars in this next Stargate franchise after the very successful Stargate: Atlantis, which was surprisingly canceled. It was consistently one of the highest rated shows on Syfy. LDP really isn't what I'd call scifi material but we'll see. It's good to see him working again.

The new franchise takes place in a far far away galaxy on board an abandoned ship of the Ancients I believe. The Ancients built the Stargate system. It appears to be a series without the fun of the previous two shows but I'll hold out until seeing a few episodes before making that call.

It looks promising and has been promoted nonstop so far. The Stargate franchise is really an anomaly. The first show ran for over two hundred episodes and might have had one or two more seasons in the tank since it added Ben Browder and Claudia Black to the cast. Instead they opted to quit and do direct to DVD movies. They wrapped up the storylines quite nicely too, still it is like revisiting friends at this point when you see a character again.

The Stargate ideal was to make faster than light travel possible and accessible to everyone. You can essentially go to work, travel to another planet, explore all day, come back, and go home for the evening in your own car. It was like being in Starfleet but more accessible.

Yeah, great series! Here's hoping the next series is just as good!

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