Friday, December 04, 2009


I feel like I just ran a marathon that lasted a week. The show is the show. Last night was the first night we had time to use the correct sound cues. That's final dress night. Everything is just really behind. I think I've got my sound cues ironed out and where to wait on the actors for time, when to have the stage manager cue me, and when to just hit the lights.

Today is going to work and I actually get a brief rest before heading to the theatre. Skate's audition tape went well. The first song went very well and the second took three takes but he got it.

Thing 1 tripped over a log in soccer and fractured her hand and possibly her knee. The coach thought an ice pack would fix it while the doctor said it was a good thing The Date didn't delay in getting her there as it would have gotten much worse without treatments. She is now camping out on the couch under a mountain of blankets. Honestly it's not that cold in the house. The thermostat is at seventy after all. I'm comfy, they are freezing.

I'm just glad she is ok and in good spirits.

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