Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today Is It!

Today's the last day of work before my vacation begins! I won't be back to work until the fourth of January, 2010! Yayyy!!!!

ok so against The Date's wishes I purchased Thing 1 World of Warcraft. I've played every MMORPG that's come down the line since EQ. The list is very long, trust me. WoW has legs though, easily being the most complex and rich environment in an online realm since real life.

I've got a level sixty warrior sitting on one of the servers that I'll have transferred and she can play without the basic level grind. She can jump right in essentially.

Thing 2 and I have bonded, long ago but I feel I have a tough time reaching Thing 1. Maybe this is a way for her and I to have something in common and we can share together. It just so happens her boyfriend who I'll name Fuzzy, has three pretty high characters too so I've asked him questions (that I already knew the answers too) to basically have something in common with him as well. He fears me, good. I don't really want him to dislike me, bad. A healthy respect is good though and if there is a clear line that he sees that will invoke my wrath, all the better.

So this is as much a present for Thing 1 as it is for Fuzzy as I know they will be able to play together online and adventure until she is burned out on the game in a month or two.

We'll see how this exercise in bonding 101 goes. Perhaps if we speak a common language then great things can happen!

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