Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fun With Weezy At The Blue Note

Yesterday was really pretty nice all around! Thing 1 got to drive her new WoW character around for a little bit. I took Thing 2 to a local store to exchange a book I got her for Christmas which was one she already had.

Weezy put out a clarion call to meet some place last night for drinks before she jets back off to her LA life as a newly represented actor. She leaves tomorrow but that's ok, we got to spend a lot of time with her and catch up!

Beersnob and Mrs. Beersnob showed up as well as Actor, Red, and Court to my favorite place in town, The Blue Note to see Weezy off as she has lots of family plans today and wouldn't be around much.

Actor, Red, and Court left around a quarter til ten to catch Sherlock Holmes. It was sold out earlier so they had late tickets. They were very happy to spend some time with Weezy and Weezy was happy to hang out with everyone for a while.

I had a La Aurora Platinum cigar with a Bushmills and water on the rocks. It was a gift from a guy on a message board I'm on and I've got to say it was an amazing cigar! Full flavored but not harsh at all. Well constructed, no burn problems, and it was a delight to smoke with the company and conversation!

I also brought along a St. Luis Rey Habano that I really didn't want to smoke but I figured in a pinch I'd smoke this Cuban if Beersnob wanted the La Aurora. I guarantee though that the La Aurora was a far superior cigar than any of the Cubans I've smoke thus far and that numbers around two to three dozen. They all just seem a lower grade to me for some reason. They are either harsh, have major construction problems, or are plugged and won't draw properly. I've yet to enjoy smoking a Cuban cigar over a Fuente or a Padron with Padron being my preference.

They are widely available, a better value, and are quality all the way. I've never had a burn problem, a plugged cigar, or a foul tasting Padron, let alone Fuente! A common Cuban would cost two to three times as much and in the end it would fall flat and disappoint me, as they have already. But as Beersnob is my friend I would have offered up my La Aurora to him before choking down another Cuban.

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