Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good But Short Evening

About mid way through yesterday my stomach started doing back flips on me. I don't know why, this morning it feels a thousand times better. Regardless I got the turkey baked and went to the framily supper.

Most everyone was there to celebrate the season, even three very dear friends flew in from LA to visit family, Weezy being one of them:) She told us her great news of landing an agent, which is big in the business, puts her in a different league from now on. That was awesome news! I couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments and hard work!

Anyway back to the main point, I carved the turkey and we waited for the rest of the guests to show up. Red, Court, Actor, arrived soon after. Then our out of town friends.

Witchy declared it was time to dig in! And we did! It was very good, everyone had brought something and it was awesome! About half way through my plate I started feeling bad, it was so good that I didn't want to stop despite my mild nausea. Well that was my mistake. I got sick in the bathroom. Made my apologies to the host and went home to rest. I felt badly naturally, but I couldn't help my situation.

Thing 2 had her first Winter formal last night with a real date. She was very happy about that! Earlier in the day we went to file a police report and as she was talking to the patrolman she actually forgot her birthday. The officer offered a few words of encouragement and she calmed down.

She felt a lot better about her violin now being recovered. I did too but hopefully it is just a mistake and someone took it home thinking it was theirs. That's the best case here:)

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