Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wearing Down

I arrived at the Theatre (with Thing 2 in tow) at a couple of minutes after five thirty last night and stayed until nearly ten. Tech Guy and I discussed lighting placement and positioned the tall ladder under the light bar to add lights and adjust them.

Once that was accomplished we hooked up the lone special effect, the black light over Scrooge's tombstone to illuminate his name. I say special effect because you really can't see the name until the light is turned on. The stone looks blank! It's kinda cool!

I've got a lighting snafu in the early second act that I've got to iron out tonight as well, so I'm meeting Tech Guy at the Theatre tonight again at five thirty and we are putting the final touches into the design. Normally this would have been accomplished last week and since Friday is opening night I'm still pretty nervous about the show's tech. This is cutting it way too close for me.

It's really wearing me out. The show itself is fairly simple and it's not the kind of work that Into The Woods was with over one hundred cues and paying attention every single line to a change. This is just we are behind and need to button up the play before opening night, so it's a rushed work.

Skate still has his project going and that has to be filmed and if I'm working these hours on the show I'm not sure where I'm going to fit it in. Last time I talked to him he was unsure of where we would film it and then I understand it is an online submission form so the tape will have to be digitized and uploaded somewhere and that'll consume some time on top of shooting and the show. I've got faith in my frother (new word I invented, faimly+friend in the singular male = frother) but if one thing goes wrong there won't be enough time to complete his task.

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