Saturday, December 19, 2009

Great Night!

I took off early yesterday to make the turkey brine for tonight's shindig. So I met The Date and Witchy for lunch yesterday afternoon after work. That was fun! After that I came home, took a short nap, mixed up the brine and got the turkey in it.

The Date went to get Thing 2 from school only to find out her violin had been stolen from the music room. There were school owned violins in there and possibly someone had picked up the wrong one by mistake but we are going to file a police report anyway just to make sure. Seriously, who steals a violin? It wasn't paid for either but that was secondary to the fact that it really hurt Thing 2 a lot.

I'll get her another one if it doesn't show back up after Christmas break.

After dropping off Thing 2 to babysit for Witchy I headed over to Beersnob's house for a drink and a cigar in his garage. That was probably the first cigar I have had in a month, maybe longer. It was a nice set up, space heater, drink stuff, a radio on a sports station, and a couple of chairs. It was really nice to just sit and talk with Beersnob for a few hours!

We kicked around several ideas, the two I blogged about yesterday and he was on board and ready to help! Naturally he was excited and wanted to help with both projects. I'll be able to blog about both projects very soon, one maybe as soon as Monday morning and the other probably the week after this upcoming one. I just want some set in stone things before jumping the gun with announcing things.

After that I headed for the Pub to meet a handful of friends there for a drink, I had coffee. Court, Red, Actor, and The Date were there and we had a wonderful time! Really enjoyed it! They are some really good, genuine people and it was great to just chill with them:)

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