Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Wow...It's Only Tuesday

Yesterday was so busy I was hoping that the week might fast forward a couple of days for me. Today will be busier.

After work yesterday I came home and got a sandwich to eat and then was able to relax for a little bit before rehearsal. It's opening week also known as tech week and we have just now got the rough light cues set. This is something that is usually done a couple of days earlier.

They are set now but we still have a sign that needs painting, a couple of more lights that need hung and focused, and the tweaking since one of the main actors wasn't present last night. We only guessed where he was going to be and worked accordingly.

Tonight I won't have near as much time after work either as I'm going there by five and getting the last buttons buttoned up. I've got an audition tape to shoot for Skate (if he gets this part it'll be amazing! I'm so hoping he does!) sometime this week, tables to move, the show, and I've still got to work in eating somehow....

Busy, busy, busy.....

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