Friday, December 18, 2009

Good Things

Some very good things are happening. I can't go into detail just yet but there are at least two things that can possibly happen that are very good! When things are set in stone believe me I'll be posting them here!

I'm very excited about both and will be talking with Beersnob tonight over a cigar and a drink about one of them for sure. The second I'll be talking over on Sunday evening with a couple of guys so it really won't be long before I can post something definitive here!

Some very good news is that my frother Skate was asked to audition for Tops in Blue, an Air Force traveling show that contains music and song. This is a big big honor as many many people apply to be part of this show. It will be a full year of touring and then with any luck he will return here with many stories!

Purchased the turkey last night and some stuff for the brine. When I get home I'll be boiling the brine and letting it cool then putting the turkey into the ice chest for twenty hours or so before cooking it on Saturday! I'm excited! This will be much fun!

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