Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's Cold Outside

Yep, really cold and still no snow. Fourteen degrees and the diesel cranked a little slow this morning. It still started but it took a bit.

Just as a reminder to my regular readers I did double post yesterday, once in the morning and once in the evening so you can peruse that post as well and see what you can do about it;)

Little Scotch wound up sleeping between The Date and I while Zip camped at the foot of the bed. Scrat slept up stairs I believe where it is always warm!

I made Thing 2 watch It's A Wonderful Life last night, about mid way through she decided it was boring and snuck off up stairs to nap and I pulled her back down to finish the movie. She said it was really good after it finished! It's one of my all time favorites if not my favorite movie.

It's a rare movie that can be watched again and again and you really don't get tired of it. If Capra only knew how his masterpiece would still be revered today. If you haven't seen it this season, try to watch it. Try to do the right things as George Bailey does. He complained a bit but in the end he never thought of himself over others.

How our society has changed over the years...

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