Saturday, May 28, 2011

Amazing Success

Yesterday The Date went grocery shopping after a week of collecting coupons and organizing them. It seems like a lot of work but it's not that bad at all, you just look for value basically. How easy is that?

She purchased enough groceries to fill up the back of the Caliber and saved a grand total of 27% or just over one quarter off of our grocery bill! The bottom line was we paid roughly $125.00 for groceries yesterday. She saved enough off of our regular food bill to pay for an entire tank of gas in the Caliber!

With practice and monitoring sales in the stores a bit more closely that 27% can go up as well. I'm looking for an aggregate coupon site to assist in our money saving quest. I've found several but for the most part they are for large national grocery chains that we don't have access to here.

I'm just pretty happy as in these times it's really necessary to save as much as possible on your bills. The dollar doesn't buy as much anymore sadly.

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