Sunday, May 01, 2011

Great Graduation Day!

My day began at a quarter till six. I got showered and got to work before seven. After nearly a five mile walk of very very turtle like conditions in high wind we mounted a static display aircraft where I work. A T-33 if you care to look it up here. It's a big jet, heavy.

After I left work The Date was getting prepared for her big day. T took her out to lunch while The Things and I got ready ourselves. The auditorium was packed. Glad we got there early and found seats.

The graduation started and it lasted around an hour followed by a nice reception from the school to the graduates. Then the surprise really started. T went to the theatre to open it up for the guests of the surprise party while I stalled at a gas station. I sent Thing 2 inside to use the bathroom, Thing 1 fixed a fountain drink. It worked well enough under the guise that we were going to the pub for celebratory lunch with reservations at 5.

It didn't dawn on T that the teens couldn't get into the pub so I sent the Things ahead of me from the parking lot as fast as they could while The Date talked to her friend from out of town.

Finally we arrived inside the theatre to a rousing SURPRISE! T had pulled off one of the great surprises after tons of hard work and secrecy! A dozen framily members were there to help us celebrate this milestone of The Date's educational career.

The framily decided since a camera was present they would recreate shots from Awkward Family and since we were at a theatre and had access to the prop and costume rooms they proceeded for a couple of hours to stage recreations. I turned on the stage lights to add to the ambiance and hilarity ensued!

The biggest surprise was yet to come though. R, with the help of Thing 2, had been secretly painting our living room walls while we were at the ceremony. It was even a secret from me.

All I can say is thank you so much for making this a very memorable day! The Date and I were both very touched by the kindness and generosity of our framily!

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