Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hearing Date

In the matter of adoption we have our first hearing date set, June 7th at 9:30 AM.

I'm not sure what the procedure is from there though or how long it takes. They just called me yesterday and told me where to be and at what time. They also said that the bio had disappeared and gave no response to the papers sent to him. We knew he had disappeared three weeks ago as child support quit coming in.

It was always sporadic anyway and not something that could be trusted on a regular basis so thank everything good that my job made up for it in bad times. I have a strong feeling he's gone for good and that the 90+k he owes to the girls and The Date will never be recovered. Fine by me, I'd just as soon he never is mentioned again and any traces of him are long forgotten.

Things are on a definite uptick, once you bottom out then you can only climb back up again. The Date has gotten some very good news on one of her ideas to market a new promotion. She's been contracted by the company I contract for with Diva shoots to launch this idea as well. It's all hers and it should make a splash. In fact the corporate office is interested in making it a corporate wide promotion depending on the results here. That's big fellow readers.

Again we hit bottom a few weeks ago, not as bad as a couple of years ago, but it was bad enough. Thank you for your prayers and good vibes sent our way. We are climbing up and good things are on the horizon!

I finished reading Foundation last night from Issac Asimov, fascinating scifi. I can see exactly why it's a fundamental story in the scifi genre. I'm moving back over to George R.R. Martin now though and diving into A Clash of Kings!

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