Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Thunder Fall

Yep my basketball replacement for my former beloved Storm is the Thunder which fell in the playoffs last night to the once lowly Mavericks. Yet ANOTHER fourth quarter lead squandered away.

The good news is that the Thunder are really good and really young. Next year they'll be scary good and when the Spurs and Lakers are entering rebuilding phases and the Mavs are peaking now that leaves the stage for the Thunder to shine. Shine for seasons on end too!

Perhaps they can be as dominate as either the Spurs or Lakers were when they were at their peak of goodness perhaps not. They will be a dominate force in the western conference though and they are young. They were good this year and made it to the conference finals. That's a glaring indication that they'll get better next season.

So it's time to use the Cubs' motto for the Thunder and say, "Wait til next year!"

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