Thursday, May 05, 2011

Busy Day Ahead

I know I've got a lot at work I'll have to do today. Yesterday was a busy day but it was a nice evening. I made another pretty tasty Kung Pao Chicken stir fry and Crime Reporter came over and ate with us.

We got caught up on Deadliest Catch and I watched one of the last few remaining SG:U episodes. Sad this series is ending, it's great scifi. The first season should go down as one of the great scifi seasons in TV history, it's that good to me!

One more episode and it's done. I hope they wrap it up nicely and not let the fans hang on a cliffhanger.

Well we learned last night that Thing 2 along with another girl won top honors as soloists at tri-state. That's a pretty big honor and the teacher didn't even know it until last night. She wants to go to Japan as a missionary now, actually she just wants to go to Japan and hang out but figures if she does it under the banner of mission work it'll be cheaper:) Yeah, we'll see on that:)

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